Jane Jorgenson, Registered Herbalist

Herbal medicine has been the people’s medicine for thousands of years. It uses our innate, ancestral ability to heal with plants and is primarily used to promote and maintain health and as an adjunct therapy to traditional medicine. Herbalists focus on the person as a whole and believe that the body, mind and spirit all play a role in our ability to stay healthy.

Tinctures, tisanes, salves, infused oils and vinegars, honeys, syrups, compresses and poultices, hydrotherapy, decoctions, infusions, Bach Flower Essences and traditional incense are some of the ways  we use herbal medicines to promote and maintain health.

Some of the health issues that are treated with herbal remedies:

  • Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Depression
  • Digestive health
  • Immune support
  • Insomnia
  • Nutrition – food as medicine
  • Respiratory health
  • Skin care
  • Urinary tract health
  • Women’s reproductive health


noun, herb·​al·​ist
1) a person who practices healing by the use of herbs.
2) a person who collects or grows herbs.

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Herbal Actions

noun, plural act·tion·s
1) the process of doing something, especially when dealing with a problem or difficulty.
2) things that are happening, especially exciting or important things.


Herbal Action Categories
Christopher Hobbs, Ph.D., L.Ac.
Version 3.0, 2016

A heating, irritating herb that causes a feeling of warmth in the mouth or on the skin or mucous membranes. Acrid Herbs often have antibacterial and blood dispersing effects; removes coldness.

Indications: stagnant ulcers, feeling of internal coldness, digestive problems, retention of mucus in the upper respiratory tract.

Herbs: Bloodroot, Ginger, Prickly ash.

An herb that helps the body adapt to stress, increase endurance, speed recovery from illness and work, and strengthen immune function. According to I.I. Brekhmann, the Russian doctor who studied and popularized the concept of adaptogens, they must fulfill 3 criteria: 1. Do no harm, place no stress on the body. 2. Help the body adapt to a wide range of environmental and internal stressors (noise, pollution, emotions). 3. An adaptogen has an amphoteric (normalizing) effect on the activity of several body systems–especially the nervous system, hormonal system, and immune system. For instance, if the blood sugar is too low, it will bring it up; if too high, it will have a tendency to lower it.

Herbs: eleuthero, rhodiola, ashwagandha, schisandra.

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noun ter•mi•nol•o•gy
1) the vocabulary of technical terms used in a particular field, subject, science, or art; nomenclature.
2) the doctrine or science of technical terms; teaching or theory regarding the proper use of terms.

From The American Botanical Council

Understanding terms or words commonly used in herbal literature provides a basic foundation for people new to herbs and reinforces the basics for those with some experience with herbal medicine. The following terminology categories offer a comprehensive understanding of herbal medicine’s role in healthcare.

Healthcare Systems — Lists the basic theory or school of thought underlying healthcare systems throughout the world. Some systems include herbal medicine as an approach.

Approaches — Describes approaches applied to various healthcare systems that use medicinal plants or plant-derived preparations.

General Herbal Terms — Defines some common terms used when discussing or learning about herbal medicine

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